K niektorým aspektom prehliadaného významu Tokijského tribunálu


Kľúčové slová:

Tokyo tribunal, international criminal law, crimes against peace


The paper introduces the aspects of the Tokyo Tribunal, which took place after World War II, with an emphasis on its approach to criminal liability. Compared to the Nuremberg Tribunal, which targeted individuals in Germany, the Tokyo Tribunal dealt with the crimes during war of the Japanese Empire. The text identifies two aspects of the indictment that reflect different forms of responsibility: the direct responsibility for issuing orders and the responsibility for negligent disregard of a legal obligation. It also illuminates the differences between the dictatorship systems in Germany and Japan, highlighting the causes of Japanese crimes as ineffective prevention. It also deals with two forms of responsibility, cabinet and command, which relate to civilian and military leadership. No least highlights the interest of the Tokyo tribunal on the punishment of sexual crimes.




How to Cite

Mareček, L. (2023). K niektorým aspektom prehliadaného významu Tokijského tribunálu. ComenIUS, 3(2). Cit z https://comeniuscasopis.flaw.uniba.sk/index.php/ComenIUS/article/view/765